Global Franchises
Investment Product and Application
BPII Group owns and manages a chain of diversified knowledge-based business entities and enterprise ventures with over 500 specialty domain brands to augur globalisation successes. With its 40 years of experience in “brick and mortar” businesses, it now harnesses its knowledge assets and internationally recognised rich enterprise brands for a new frontier of growth in today’s digital world.
With BPII Global Franchise Business Model, you can create your digital enterprises and value chains in our well structured eConsortium for global outreach and growth together.
Investment Proposition
Global eBrand Affiliation and Franchise Business
Key Features of BPII Digital Consortium Plan
Unique ePartner Ecosystem for inter business development and intra ecommerce exchanges
Strategically integrated knowledge domains in one multi-faceted eCommerce Consortium
Internationally recognised brands to augur online franchise and globalisation successes.
All stakeholders are digitally connected with a value chain under the auspices of Qcircle eConsortium Plan
Choice Investment Product
eBrand Affiliation or Digital Franchise Business
Ready Businesses and Marketplaces
Strategic Digital Investment | Over 500 eBrands for Global Partnership
Choice of Knowledge based enterprises for integration
Enterprise Brand Affiliation :
Choice of over 500 eBrands for Value Add-ons
– International recognition for strategic market outreach
– Digital Value Chain creation in trusted multi-faceted eConsortium
Brand Affiliation | Application
Digital Start-up or Scale-up
Digital Franchises :
Choice Businesses and Marketplaces
– Enterprise Start-up or Scale-up with eConsortium Awards
– Partner Ecosystem Plan for intra-ecommerce exchanges
Digital Franchise | Application
Enterprise Set-up with Consortium Plan
Specialty domain brands are offered for strategic digital development of businesses and co-identification.
Online Application
Investors, Business and Professional Service Providers / owners who is desirous to identify themsleves with integrate eBrands and eConsortium Partner Ecosystem
Create value chain with a choice specialty domain brand. Qcircle hosts a chain of interconnected rich keyword domains ready for participants to align themselves within the eConsortium for growth together.
Brand Affiliation is a unique co-identification privilege for all participants. Digital Franchisies are for Partners. There are hundreds of branded domains with digital value added business content available as choices to suit your personal, professional and business specialisation interest. Participants select/apply a domain brand to become part of Qcircle and its digitalisation growth process.
Participants are inducted into Qcircle’s ready businesses and marketplaces. They are digitally linked with its chain of specialty knowledge brands to advance their competencies and build their business portfolio at the eConsoritum. Example of allocated identification link : Partners are allocated with domain template for advanced eConsortium recognition and reward. Example,
Members Partners who hold a Globalisation Award and completed a Enterprise Transformation program are eligible to self activate the allocated sub-domain brand as digitalised value chain at the eConsortium. Alternatively, Members Partners may subcribe to an Aided development and Activation mode to complete the implementation process.
Investment with eConsortium Plan
Enterprise Brand | Digital Franchise
Submit your interest here. You will be directed to the next course of action.
Please fill in the below form to request for a domain brand for affiliation or Digital Franchise Set-up :
1. Choose a brand category and proposed a preferred domain brand for affiliation. (Please refer to “Specialty Brand” for choice selection)
2. For submission by applicant with a preferred Consultant/ Mentor, the Referral Code is their membership numbers. For direct application please enter 001122, a consultant will be allocated to you.