BPII Group owns a chain of diversified businesses and investments. Distinguished as a strategic investor, developer and builder of new enterprises.

About Us
Our Profile and Insights.

BPII Group owns and manages a chain of diversified knowledge-based business entities and enterprise ventures with over 500 specialty domain brands to augur digitalisation successes. Established in 1985 and re-organised in 1990 with a vision for an all-inclusive Business and Professional Institution International. It has since evolved itself into a unique eCommerce Consortium @ Qcircle. Strategically we have  transformed our traditional core businesses into digital assets for a new frontier of growth in today’s digital world. Our focus is to regenerate ideas for new job and business worldwide. We are committed to Continuous Research and Innovation in Quantum ICT, strategic application and development of our eConsortium for the digital future.

Who we are.
We generate ideas and create values.

We are a consortium of investors, business owners, educators, innovators and service providers in different disciplines. We are the leading hub in empowering the career of individuals and enhancing the performance of businesses. We advocate entrepreneurial innovation and structured a wide range of pathway opportunities for members to learn, innovate and re-invent themselves to excel in the new global economy.

What we do.
We develop a new Ecosystem for sustainable growth.

We integrate education and business into one shared knowledge management system for cooperative learning and inter-business development among networked members. In the process, we transformed our knowledge domains into digital assets and created an ecommerce enabled Consortium with a distinctive ecosystem for digital growth together.

What we are.
A unique eConsortium 

Going forward, we are distinctively a eCommerce Consortium @ Qcircle. We create new assets in the our digital consortium. Uniquely, the eConsortium has an Education plus Business (“E + B”) Development Paradigm for all to explore their potential and to help one another in their growth process. Participants can learn to innovate and enterprise with a Consortium Plan wherever they are located.

What we offer
Integrated Global Enterprises

We offer a chain of integrated global enterprises and an eCommerce platform for entrepreneurial innovation and collaborative development. It features a shared knowledge management system for networked participants and strategic partners to work in synergy to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome. A unique  eConsortium Ecosystem for growth together in today’s digital world.

BPII Digital Insights

We focus on IT-led innovation.  We create and develop new businesses, ideas and processes with new technologies capabilities. We continuously use technology-driven solutions to improve on our business models, products and processes.

Digital-First Mission
Creator of the eConsortium @ Qcircle

Qcircle is a digital platform of BPII Group, uniquely an eCommerce Consortium in constant self-formation, development  and growth. Qcircle is open for participation through a choice of eConsortium Plan.

Registered trademark for eConsortium recognition and affiliation.

  • Interconnected digital enterprises with over 500 brands and spaces for sustainable growth.
  • Built partner ecosystem for virtual exchanges, cooperative learning and business development.
  • Value Consortium Plan provides business privileges and financial returns for participation.

Participation at the eCommerce Consortiun is by Consortium Plan. The Plan allocates privileges, awards and rewards.

eConsortium Ecosystem Partnership

  • All stakeholders are part of Qcircle eConsortium Partner Ecosystem.
  • Trusted platform for inter-businesses and intra-eCommerce exchanges.
  • Digitally linked specialty knowledge hubs for co-identification and development

Consortium Partners are empowered to advance Qcircle and its applications as their value added services to enhance their business performance. The scope of services including job / business credential and ecommerce portfolio will be allocated based on competency and choice consortium plan. The selected plan provides the Privileges and Program for financial returns.