About Us

BPII Group owns and manages a chain of diversified knowledge-based business entities and enterprise ventures with  over 500 specialty domain brands to augur digitalisation successes. Established in 1985, it has since evolved itself into a unique eCommerce Consortium @ Qcircle for a new frontier of growth in today’s digital world.
All its stakeholders are now digitally connected to a knowledge domain based on their competencies. They create their own business value chains in the eConsortium.
Our focus is to regenerate ideas for new job and business worldwide. Continuous Research and Development of Quantum ICT for strategic application.  With a built eConsortium Partner Ecosystem, Qcircle is now in constant self-formation, development and growth.

BPI International Group of Companies
Knowledge Assets and Businesses

Knowledge Domains and Portals

Unique eCommerce enabled Consortium :

Key features
– Digitally linked Knowledge Domains and Enterprises
– Multi-faceted services, inter-business and intra eCommerce

Integrated Knowledge Domains in one eConsortium

 Unique eConsortium Partner Ecosystem :

key features
– Rich Enterprise Brands for Ecosystem Partnership
– Integrated Value Chains with intra-eCommerce Exchanges

Digital Enterprises with Global Enterprise Brands

Investment Product

Investment in Enterprise Brands :

Enterprise Brand Affiliation. Choice of over 500 eBrands
– International recognition for strategic market outreach
– Job, businesses and eCommerce in one multi-faceted eConsortium

Enterprise Brand | Business Affiliation

Investment in Digital Enterprises :

Digital Enterprise Franchises. Choice of ready businesses
– Start-up or Scale-up with eConsortium Awards
– Partner Ecosystem Plan for intra-ecommerce exchanges

Digital Franchise | Enterprise Set-up

Innovation Hub

Venture Building and
Enterprise Solutions

Global Business.
eCommerce and Virtual Exchanges

JobCreation Portal
ePortfolio Development
