Opportunities at BPII Consortium
Ready Jobs, Businesses and Marketplaces
Jobs and Businesses
Venture anywhere anytime.
Immediate Opportunities
Full or Part time
Flexible job or business as a
- Qualified Affiliate Consultant
- Job and Business Advisor
- Professionals in any discipline as Specialist Consultants, Educators and Mentors
Make a proposal. All succesful applicants will be awarded with an appropriate Affiliate Financial Plan as a start-up reward. You can advance to a higher plan at your own pace.
Submit your interest below. Provide us details of your development need. You will be advised on the next stage of action.
[contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"]Self-help | Online Job and Business Induction
Qualifying Event
- All applicants are automatically recognised as a Qualified Client User @ Qcircle on successful application.
- BPII Qcircle Professional Consultant | Mentor will advise you to an immediate appropriate position and guide you on the next stage of progression.
Select a Consortium Plan based on your interest.
Affiliate Consultant | Professional as a
– Qualified, Professional or Corporate Affiliate
– Self-paced Progression Plan
Certified Professionals| Specialists as a
– Professional Associate or Corporate Associate
– Job, career and business @ BPII Qcircle
Online Induction and Development
Know more | Application
Corporate Hosting | Location based or Virtual
Business or Regional Host
ePartners @ Qcircle are welcome to submit their interest for delivery of BPII | Qcircle Events in their host location.
If you are not a Corporate Host, you will be directed to an appropriate Corporate Host on application. Alternately, you can contact us at BPII direct for more details on prequalification process.
By Specialisation or location as a
– Corporate Business or Global Host
– Specialty Education or Regional Host
Know more | Application
- BPII Qcircle Professional Consultant | Mentor will advise you to an immediate appropriate position and guide you on the next stage of progression.
- A real event project will be designed and strategically ready for implementation.