The World’s largest integrated platform of networked chartered professionals. Chartered Network hosts a multi-disciplinary platform of businesses and professionals. It is uniquely networked under a distinctive set of rich keyword domains and ready for global marketplaces and new economy challenges. The Strategic Gateway for entrepreneurs and professionals to position themselves into new reach and opportunities.
Domain :
Chartered Network International
Chartered Network International (CNI) offers both educational and business services in conjunction with BPII Organisation. CNI is supported by Qcircle Global Education and Development Portal. CNI provides interdisciplinary participation among members and for cooperative development and doing business worldwide.
CNI provides Mentoring Members Plan.
- Competency-based Continual Education Development
- Professional and Business Certification Award
Participating members are guided to design a self contracted Action Agenda for actualisation of their plan. Members may subscribe to a Job or Business Creation Mentoring Program as an aid to their growth process.
CNI hosts a series of rich keyword domains as Specialty Portals for participation by members under the Consortium Registry Plan. Each portal is uniquely developed as a strategic gateway and service channel for members to meet new economic challenges in the global marketplaces.
Featured Award Program
Chartered Professional and Chartered Specialist are job credentials of Chartered Network International. “Becoming Chartered is a unique pathway program for the development of Chartered Professionals / Specialists and Business / Education Hosts.
Consortium Plan and Privileges
Globalisation Plan for Educators, Entrepreneurs and Professionals
Chartered Network International (CNI) offers both educational and business services in conjunction with Qcircle. It provides internship for both professional and business development and a platform for interdisciplinary collaboration.
CNI hosts a series of rich keyword domains as specialty portals. Participation is by subscription of a Consortium Plan. The induction program is specifically developed for members to be part of the Network to meet new challenges in the global marketplaces.
Get Chartered. CNI provides :
- Competency-based Internship and Development
- Professional and Business Certification Award
Featured Award Program
Chartered Professional and Chartered Specialist are job credentials of Chartered Network International. “Becoming Chartered is a unique pathway program for the development of Chartered Professionals / Specialists and Business Hosts. Participating members are guided to design a self contracted Action Agenda for actualisation of their plan. Members may subscribe to a Job or Business Creation Mentoring Program as an aid to their growth process.
Chartered Network @ the eConsortium
Chartered Network International (CNI) provides job and business development opportunities for its members.
On completion of a choice integration program, participants receive an appropriate Award to develop their career and job with their newly acquired skillset at Qcircle / CNI. They are eligible to subscribe to a Consortium Plan for privileges and financial returns. All qualified persons are welcome to subscribe to an Affiliate Plan for immediate job reward and progress thereon.
Award and Reward
Chartered Professional Program for Associate Plan
Chartered Professional Award Program is for all academically qualified persons to be inducted into
CNI as Chartered Professional
for recognition and service to the
communities at Qcircle.
Job credential: Chartered Professional
at Qcircle / CNI on subscription
to Associate Plan for
financial reward.
Chartered Specialist Program for Associate Plan
Chartered Specialist Award Program is for professionals from an approved professional institution to be inducted into CNI as a Chartered Specialist for recognition and service to the communities at Qcircle.
Job credential: Chartered Specialist
at Qcircle / CNI on subscription
to Associate Plan for
financial reward.
Certifying Businesses Program for Registry Plan
The program is for Chartered Professionals or mature candidates who possess approved qualification and business experience to be
integrated into Qcircle
and CNI for service.
Registry credential: Distinguished endorsement as Business Host of Qcircle / CNI on subscription to Registry Plan for business return.