Enterprise Ventures | Investment
Directed Enterprise Development | Open Digital Ventures @ Qcircle

BPII offers an Open Enterprise Venture Program. It is a directed  innovation process for education, business and professional service providers or owners to transform themselves digitally to today’s new economy. All participants and clienteles are offered a value addon ePartnership  Plan for the delivery of its Specialty Education and Businesses through its chain of internationally recognised brands @ Qcircle.
BPII  provides a unique brand affiliation and digital franchises. A staged application module with both virtual and location based support including co-working and innovation spaces for participants to help themselves to enhance each other competencies and performance in their ventures. Here, they can get in-house support or team up online to offer mutually beneficially services. 

Directed Development | Business Leverage with Enterprise Brand

Open Enterprise @ Qcircle

Enterprise Ventures

Digital Value Creation

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